Ottawa Capitals Season Manager

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Today's date is 2024/05/02


Past Games

Today's date is 2024/05/02

2018/12/013:00vs Neapean Arnprior tournament Pad A10
2018/12/017:30 pmvs Blizzard Arnprior tournament Pad B9
2018/12/029 pmLeitrim vs Houlegans (Jess and Alana)10
2018/12/029:00 amvs Richmond Hill Arnprior tournament Pad A10
2018/12/088pmBrewer vs Tux Express6
2018/12/169 pmLeitrim vs Panthers (Megan and Nancy)9
2019/01/069 pmLeitrim vs Avalanche (Sofia and Erica) 8
2019/01/209 pmLeitrim vs Panthers (Amanda and Cass)9
2019/01/2510:00 pmThe Edge vs Goulbourn8
2019/02/098 pmBernard Grandmaitre (Home game) vs Tux Express (Gen and Kym)8
2019/02/179 pmLeitrim vs Tux Express (Cass and Carolyn)9
2019/03/069:00 pmBlackburn vs The ice (PLAYOFF)9
2019/03/109:00 pmLeitrim vs Nepean (PLAYOFF) (Stef and Nancy)10
2019/03/239 pmBernard Grand maƮtre vs Tux (playoff)6
2019/03/249:00 pmLeitrim vs West Ottawa (PLAYOFF) (Jess and Megan )8
2019/09/089:00pmLeitrim vs Avalanche (Home Amanda B and Carolyn)9
2019/09/159:30 pmWalkley vs The Ice10
2019/09/226:00 pmRay Friel vs Panthers12
2019/09/239:30 pmKanata Rec Complex (Gary Burke) vs West Ottawa11
2019/09/299:00pmLeitrim vs Panthers (Cathy and Gen home game)11
2019/10/066:00 pmBob Macquarrie (Orleans) vs Tux Express11
2019/10/209:00 pmLeitrim vs Nepean (Kym and Kim V home game)11
2019/10/279:00 pmLeitrim vs Blizzard (home game Erica and Megan)11
2019/11/038:30 pmWalkley (Jim Durrell) vs Rink Rats8
2019/11/109:00pmLeitrim vs Ice (home game Nancy and Sofia)10
2019/11/249:00 pmLeitrim vs Blizzard (home game Stacey and Erica)10
2019/12/089:30 pmWalkley (Jim Durrell) vs Rink Rats13
2019/12/159:00 pmLeitrim vs Tux Express (home game Sarah and Amanda )13
2020/01/059:00pmLeitrim vs Carleton (home game Val and Carolyn) 9
2020/01/128:30 pmWalkely (Jim Durrell) vs Avalanche10
2020/01/199:00pmLeitrim vs Tux Express ( home game Cathy and Kim V) 11
2020/02/0710:00 pmGoulbourn vs West Ottawa9
2020/02/235:30 pmCarleton U vs Carleton U10
2020/02/285:30pmLeitrim vs West Ottawa10
2020/02/291:30 pmLeitrim vs Beaconsfield11
2020/02/297:00 pmLeitrim vs GeeGees10
2020/03/0110:30 amLeitrim vs Rink Rats11
2020/03/089:00 pmLetrim vs West Ottawa10
2020/03/157:00 pmRay Friel vs Nepean10
2020/03/189:00 pmRichcraft Sensplex (Potvin) vs Houlegans11
2020/03/229:00 pmLeitrim vs Ice11

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